Steve Lee

    Email Address:
    College: Pharmacy Department: Biopharmaceutical Sciences
    Secondary Department: Bioengineering
    Title: Assistant Professor
    Office: 833 South Wood Street (865) PHARM Room 355 Phone: 312-413-8294
    Participating in the Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Awards program: Yes

    Research Interest:
    Currently, our lab is developing multiplexed three-dimensional (3D) microscopy for quantitative analysis of the tissue microenvironment including human and mouse cancer, brain, and other tissue types. Our studies are very important to discover new therapeutic targets and test new drugs. We seek a highly motivated student who has computational knowledge and skills, and contribute to the analysis and quantification of our 3D image data. Our lab has a high performance workstation computer (double 3.5 GHz CPUs, 512 GB RAM, and 24 GB graphic card) and 3D image software “Amria”, “Fiji (or ImageJ)” and “Huygens deconvolution”.

    Minimum time commitment in hours per week: 20

    Qualifications of a Student:
    Basic computer and software knowledge, Image data processing software (e.g. ImageJ, Fiji, Imaris, Amira, and others).

    Brief Summary of what is expected from the student:
    We expect the student leads the processing and quantification analysis of our 3D microscope image data using open source and commercial software. The student also involves in research article and other publication with produced image analysis date.

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