Timothy McMahon

    Email Address: timomcma@UIC.EDU
    College: Medicine Department: Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
    Office: 3.164 EEI M/C 648 Phone: 9965410
    Webpage: http://www.uic.edu/com/eye/Department/FullTimeFaculty/McMahon_Timothy.shtml

    Research Interest:
    Corneal topography. - Corneal topography is the mapping of shape, curvature, and height of the cornea. Research interests include understanding the characteristics and changes that occur with various corneal disorders, refractive surgery, and with contact lens wear.

    Contact lenses - Research interests include studies of new and novel contact lens designs prior to marketing in the US as well as comparative performance studies.

    Keratoconus - Interest includes understanding the biochemical nature of this corneal disorder, characterizing the clinical course and determining whether and how heredity may play a role.

    Minimum time commitment in hours per week:

    Qualifications of a Student:
    Sophomore, junior or senior standing; Basic knowledge of biostatistics would be valuable

    For topography study - good grasp of computer technology and programming skills would be useful

    For biochemical study - basic knowledge of inorganic, organic and biochemistry

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