Donna Alexandra Macduff

    Email Address:
    College: Medicine Department: Microbiology and Immunology
    Title: Assistant Professor
    Office: 7095 COMRB Phone: 3129965763
    Participating in the Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Awards program: Yes

    Research Interest:
    My laboratory studies the innate immune responses to viral and bacterial pathogens. It is essential that our immune systems are able to sense and respond to pathogenic microbes to prevent them from causing disease. The type and magnitude of the immune response is critical for controlling their replication while minimizing the damage to the host. Too little or the wrong type of inflammation and the host can fail to control the pathogen and may succumb to the infection. Too much inflammation will damage tissues and the host may succumb to immunopathology. Our lab is interested in understanding how these interactions between the host and pathogenic or commensal microbes serve to shape the mammalian immune system to effectively limit the replication of the microbes while minimalizing damage to infected tissues. More specifically, our research interests are focused on the mechanisms and consequences of innate immune sensing and signaling in response to a variety of microorganisms. A detailed mechanistic understanding of these processes can help to develop improved vaccination strategies, and identify targets for therapeutics to enhance or dampen the immune response in an appropriate and specific manner.

    Minimum time commitment in hours per week: 10

    Qualifications of a Student:
    Preferred majors:
    Biological Sciences, Biochemistry

    Preferred coursework:
    Molecular biology, Biochemistry

    Minimum GPA: 3.2

    Additional qualifications:
    • Motivated sophomore or junior student interested in biological sciences.
    • Have taken at least one lab class
    • Motivation to learn new techniques and concepts
    • Strong organizational and communication skills, and attention to detail

    Brief Summary of what is expected from the student:
    • We are looking for students who desire a research laboratory experience in preparation for graduate school or medical school.
    • We expect students to commit to working in the lab for ~10 hours per week in periods of 3 to 6 hours per day for two to three days per week.
    • While classes and maintaining grades are the priority, we expect students to honor their commitment to the lab and to be reliable.

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