Sandy M Sufian
Email Address: sufians@uic.eduCollege: Medicine Department: Medical Education
Secondary Department: Disability and Human Development
Title: Associate Professor, Medical Humanities and History
Office: 808 South Wood Street, 9th floor Phone: 3-0113
Participating in the Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Awards program: Yes
Research Interest:
I am writing a book on the history of adoption and disability in America and am interested in finding a motivated, undergraduate student to assist me with research and bibliographic work.
I also would need editing help with articles that I am writing about other history of medicine/disability related topics. Minimum time commitment in hours per week: 5 Qualifications of a Student:
Preferred major: history
Honors College student preference
Minimum GPA: 3.5
Year in College: upper level
Prior experience in historical or humanities research preferred. Brief Summary of what is expected from the student:
Student would help me with bibliographic compilations and annotation. Student would read through documents and analyze them. Student would edit articles in progress.
Organization of material needed.
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