Molly Doane

    Email Address:
    College: Liberal Arts and Sciences Department: Anthropology
    Secondary Department: Latin American and Latino Studies
    Title: Associate Professor
    Office: 2128 BSB Phone: 413-0653
    Participating in the Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Awards program: Yes

    Research Interest:
    I am currently seeking research assistants for an interdisciplinary research project in Chicago called "Cultivating Wellbeing: the cultural and ecological effects of urban gardens in Chicago." Working with faculty from Biology, Community Medicine, and the Field Museum, I am carrying out ethnographic field research and interviews with community gardeners. We are interested in the role gardening and gardens play in promoting a sense of place, community, autonomy and control, and improving mental and physical health. We are also interested in whether and how gardeners value nature, and the benefits they perceive from interacting with plants and wildlife in gardens. We work in 24 sites across the city. Gardeners come from the full range of racial, ethnic, and national groups present in the city.

    Minimum time commitment in hours per week: 7

    Qualifications of a Student:
    Therefore, we are particularly interested in student interns who come from a range of backgrounds, and who speak languages other than English. Spanish, Arabic, Swahili, Nepali, and Burmese speakers would be especially welcome on the project, but all interested students are encouraged to apply. Experience in transcription is welcome, but not necessary. Students should have excellent writing and reading skills.

    Brief Summary of what is expected from the student:
    Activities include carrying out ethnographic research, interviewing, coding and transcription of qualitative, in depth-interviews. Students will have opportunity to be mentored in presenting research poster or other presentation.

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