Shelby A. Cosner

    Email Address:
    College: Education Department: Educational Policy Studies
    Title: Director Center for Urban Education Leadership
    Office: 3444 Phone: 312 731 0860
    Participating in the Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Awards program: Yes

    Research Interest:
    The Center for Urban Education Leadership has a variety of research projects that are occurring this spring. We conduct research in the city of Chicago, IL and in various places throughout the globe. Our work falls in the area of K-12 education and K-12 educational leadership. We engage in studies that are qualitative and mixed methods and we disseminate the a wide assortment of outlets. We will begin to develop a podcast as a dissemination outlet for some of our work.

    Minimum time commitment in hours per week: 3-5

    Qualifications of a Student:
    3.2 or better GPA is desired. Desired sophomore or later.

    Brief Summary of what is expected from the student:
    The student will be assisting with the collection of qualitative data (which will typically include the collection of interview data). The student could also play a key role in helping the center establish a podcast series as one dissemination approach.

    NOTE: This researcher is currently not accepting applications for the Undergraduate Research Experience program.

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