D'Arcy Meyer-Dombard

    Email Address: drmd@uic.edu
    College: Liberal Arts and Sciences Department: Earth and Environmental Sciences
    Secondary Department: Biological Sciences
    Title: Assistant Professor

    Webpage: http://www.uic.edu/depts/geos/people/d_dombard_research.html
    Participating in the Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Awards program: Yes

    Research Interest:
    Ecology of Extreme Environments
    Carbon and nutrient cycling

    Minimum time commitment in hours per week: 3

    Qualifications of a Student:
    No minimum GPA, but only serious students please.
    Classes in Biology, Chemistry, and Earth Sciences will be beneficial. Some lab experience preferred [in-class experience is OK].
    EaES and Biology majors preferred.
    Honors College Students are welcomed.
    Freshmen and Sophomores encouraged, with the preference for a long-term commitment to the lab. Lab manager position available.

    Brief Summary of what is expected from the student:
    Specific expectations will vary depending on the role of the student. Students in self-driven research roles are expected to understand that their projects will be central to the activities of the lab, and that serious attention to the project is required.

    In general, I expect students to be in the lab for the minimum number of hours. I expect students to arrive "on time", giving advance notice for absences.

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