Zongmin Zhao

Email Address: zhaozm@uic.edu
College: Pharmacy Department: Biopharmaceutical Sciences
Title: Zhao Lab for Drug Delivery, Immunoengineering, and Cellular Engineering
Office: COP 358
Webpage: https://www.zongminzhao.com/
Participating in the Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Awards program: Yes

Research Interest:
Our research program strives to innovate drug delivery, cellular engineering, and immunoengineering technologies for advanced medicine, with the ultimate goal to improve the diagnosis and treatment of a range of diseases including cancer, infectious diseases, inflammation, drug addictions, and autoimmune diseases. We exploit inspirations from intrinsic biology to fundamentally understand synthetic materials-biology interactions and to develop application-driven technologies for advanced therapeutics. The current focus of our research group includes 1) engineering living cells as the next-generation platforms to tackle biological barriers for drug delivery, gene editing, and beyond, 2) genetic engineering of immune cells for advanced cell therapy, and 3) biomimetic and material-driven engineering of the immune system/cells for vaccination and immunomodulation. Please check RESEARCH for more information.

Minimum time commitment in hours per week: 3

Qualifications of a Student:
Can committee to the lab for at least 6 months

Brief Summary of what is expected from the student:
Work on independent projects or work with graduate/postdocs.

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