Stephen Guggenheim

Email Address:
College: Liberal Arts and Sciences Department: Earth and Environmental Sciences
Title: Professor
Office: 2466 SES Phone: 312-996-3263
Participating in the Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Awards program: Yes

Research Interest:
Mineral chemistry and physics. Clay mineralogy/environmental mineralogy. Clays as materials. Understanding the relationship of atomic structure (bulk and surface) and chemistry to layer silicate stability and properties.

Minimum time commitment in hours per week:

Qualifications of a Student:
Interest in mineralogy. Student should have a course in mineralogy (Introduction to mineralogy, EaES 320) or/and consent of instructor. The student should be an EaES major.

Brief Summary of what is expected from the student:
We will be working on a high-pressure/high-temperature environmental chamber for real-time X-ray diffraction studies involving clays or other environmentally related natural materials. The student will learn how to use the chamber, use the X-ray equipment, and interpret results. The student will prepare a report and present a poster at the UIC Forum (or at a national meeting).

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