Rachael Mary Jones

Email Address: rjones25@uic.edu
College: School of Public Health Department: Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
Title: Associate Professor
Office: 1081 SPHPI Phone: 312-996-1960
Participating in the Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Awards program: Yes

Research Interest:
My research interests are in the assessment of human exposures to contaminants (e.g. chemicals, particulates and infectious agents) in the environment, and estimation of associated health risks. I approach these problems using experiments, mathematical models and statistical analysis of data. For the upcoming academic year (2018-2019) I have a couple of research activities for which I am looking for student researchers. The general aims of these activities include:l 1) determining the magnitude of dermal exposure to liquid chemicals with and without gloves using experimental simulation, 2) understanding the relationship between noise and air pollutants emitted by traffic using data collected with wearable sensors, 3) describing community exposures resulting from sand mining using literature review, 4) comparing statistical methods for interpolating/modeling environmental pollutant levels over space, and 5) measuring turbulence in indoor work environments using anemometry and tracer gases.

Minimum time commitment in hours per week: 6

Qualifications of a Student:
Our research team has lots of different types of activities, and we will find an activity that builds your skills.

Brief Summary of what is expected from the student:
Expectations will vary between projects. I expect students to be independently motivated to learn and contribute to the research activities.

NOTE: This researcher is currently not accepting applications for the Undergraduate Research Experience program.

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