Rachel A Gordon

Email Address: ragordon@uic.edu
College: Liberal Arts and Sciences Department: Sociology
Title: Professor
Office: BSB 4156 Phone: 312-413-3857
Webpage: http://ragordon.weebly.com/
Participating in the Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Awards program: Yes

Research Interest:
Prof. Gordon's research broadly aims to measure and model the contexts of children and families' lives, often using longitudinal data sets. She has examined numerous contextual and social factors that affect children and families, including the use of child care and preschool quality measures for high-stakes policy purposes, the health outcomes of child care and maternal employment, the implications of teenagers' looks for their social and academic achievement, the association between community context and child well-being, the relationships between youth gang participation and delinquency, the causes and consequences of grandmother co-residential support for young mothers, and the evaluation of an innovative job program for young couples.

Minimum time commitment in hours per week: 5

Qualifications of a Student:
Students should have a minimum GPA of 3.5, and should have taken Soc 201 (statistics) and Soc 300 (research methods) or their equivalent. Dr. Gordon's work is multidisciplinary and uses mixed methods, so students from all backgrounds are welcome. Computer programming experience is a plus. Honors college membership a plus.

Brief Summary of what is expected from the student:
Students have opportunities to engage with and support a range of research-related tasks. Students who join research teams early can advance to higher level tasks. Students can work on senior theses or honors college capstones related to the team projects, but must have been part of a research team for at least one semester before a thesis or capstone can be considered.

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