Paola Cecilia Rosas

Email Address:
College: Medicine Department: Physiology and Biophysics
Title: Research Assistant Professor
Phone: 3129969176
Participating in the Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Awards program: Yes

Research Interest:
Our research focuses on investigating the causes of gender related differences in heart failure due to different stressors such as aging, obesity and diabetes with the ultimate goal of finding a common denominator with the potential of being translated into therapy. We are particularly interested in p21-activated kinase 1 (Pak1), a pleiotropic serine/threonine protein kinase directly activated by Cdc42/Rac1. Pak1 is a prominent inhibitor of cardiac hypertrophy, fibrosis and maladaptive adrenergic and ROS stress and is also involved in metabolic regulation.

Minimum time commitment in hours per week: 8-12

Qualifications of a Student:
GPA: 3.0 or more. We are also looking for a student interested in heart failure research.

Brief Summary of what is expected from the student:
We expect the student have high ethic standards and is interested in learning new techniques and methodologies.

NOTE: This researcher is currently not accepting applications for the Undergraduate Research Experience program.

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