Lawrence Adam Zeidman

Email Address:
College: Medicine Department: Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine
Title: Assistant Professor
Office: NPI building, M/C 796 Phone: 312-996-6496
Participating in the Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Awards program: Yes

Research Interest:
Projects in which undergraduate students could help: 1) Professional ethical issues related to neuroscientists who immigrated to Chicago to escape National Socialist Europe in the 1930s. 2) Ethical and historical issues related to brain research under the Third Reich, and neurosciences in Nazi Europe overall. 3) The history and development of EMG (electromyography/nerve conduction studies) 4) Research into peripheral neuropathy epidemiology at UIC, specifically in the neuropathies clinic. Regarding 1 and 2 above, Since 2010, I have been researching the involvement of neuroscientists in National Socialist Europe 1933-45. Some neuroscientists were complicit with the Nazis, either directly with forced sterilization and "euthanasia" (murder programs against the neuropsychiatrically ill), or indirectly by benefiting from "research material" produced from killed patients' nervous systems. Other neuroscientists in Germany, Austria, France, Holland, and Scandinavia resisted the Nazis, some paying with their lives. Most neuroscientists dismissed because of "racial policies" in Germany or Austria emigrated from Europe, but many were killed in the Holocaust. I have published or co-authored multiple papers on neuroscience in the Nazi era, and am working on a book consolidating all material, which will be more accessible. I am working with international collaborators in Holland, Scandinavia, and Austria. For the past 2 spring semesters I taught an honors college seminar on this topic, well-received by students: HON 201: Neuroscience in National Socialist Europe, 1933-45: Historical and Ethical Principles. Additionally I am working on a display for the Health Sciences Library on this topic. Regarding #3-4, a student would have to be interested in neurology and specifically clinical neurophysiology, EMG, and peripheral neuropathy.

Minimum time commitment in hours per week: 3

Qualifications of a Student:
1) Skill in German or other European languages to help in translation of original documents and secondary sources would be extremely helpful 2) Interest in the subject matter and willingness to help in projects 3) Highly motivated student who can work independently and is resourceful 4) Some background in history of medicine or history of the Holocaust preferable 5) Some background in medicine or medical ethics preferable 6) Interest in Neurology, neuropathies, and EMG.

Brief Summary of what is expected from the student:
1)Translating documents for research, if applicable. 2)Research and writing archives for documents and materials in Chicago and nationally and internationally. 3)Copying and scanning documents and photos. 4)Contacting persons in Chicago and elsewhere to interview for primary research material. 5) For #4 above, student would have to get access to Cerner patient care access system at UIC medical center, and would have to be proficient in collecting and sorting data into Excel spreadsheets. Statistical background would be helpful also.

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