Lynette A. Jackson

Email Address:
College: Liberal Arts and Sciences Department: Gender and Women's Studies
Secondary Department: African American Studies
Title: Associate Professor
Office: 1230 UH Phone: 312-413-2457
Participating in the Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Awards program: Yes

Research Interest:
Research Project: New African Diasporas Oral History and Digital Mapping Project. This project collects, analyses and archives the journey narratives of African immigrants, refugess and asylees to Chicago. Very little has been written about the growing African immigrant population in the US, leading one scholar to describe them as "Invisible Sojourners." In many instances, these immigrants and refugees continue to interact with their home countries as well as integrate into the host society. By conducting background research, conducting oral history interviews (individuals and focus groups, we will explore the following questions: 1) How has the nature of Chicago's African diaspora community changed over time; 2) what routes did these communities and individuals travel to get here and what did they bring with them; 3) how do they define and engage with home and homelands; 4) how do they grapple with questions of identity, and 5) how do they integrate into and change the host society? This project is being conducted in conjuction with the Pan African Association.

Minimum time commitment in hours per week:

Qualifications of a Student:
Seeking juniors or seniors with an interest in one of the following fields: refugee and/or immigration studies, African studies, Diaspora studies, African American studies, contemporary world history and Ethnography.

Brief Summary of what is expected from the student:
Students will conduct oral historical research, help in focus groups, help with archival research and tape transciptions.

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