Karen Underhill
Email Address: kcu@uic.eduCollege: Liberal Arts and Sciences Department: Slavic and Baltic Languages and Literatures
Title: Assistant Professor
Office: UH 1614 Phone: 7735170833
Webpage: https://lcsl.uic.edu/slavic-baltic/people/faculty/karen-underhill
Participating in the Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Awards program: Yes
Research Interest:
Diasporism; Memory-Work; Polish-Jewish culture and liteatures; Polish Literature 18th c-present; Yiddish literature and culture; Jewish culture and literature in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe Minimum time commitment in hours per week: 5 Qualifications of a Student:
Experience with French, Polish, Yiddish, Hebrew or German is a plus, but is NOT REQUIRED. Brief Summary of what is expected from the student:
Research assistance on two new book projects. Includes research into journal articles and online primary sources; library research at UIC and U of C, scanning of articles; compiling a bibliography of downloaded and scanned articles in Box Docs; potentially annotation of articles depending on student experience. Contact researcher via URE Email Webform