Jennifer Wiley

Email Address:
College: Liberal Arts and Sciences Department: Psychology
Title: Professor
Office: 1054C BSB M/C 285 Phone: 3552501
Participating in the Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Awards program: Yes

Research Interest:
We are recruiting undergraduate research assistants for Spring 2024 to help with projects studying creativity and flexibility in problem solving during computer programming. We are interested in students with programming skills who wish to gain research experience in Cognitive Psychology. We are also interested in students who would like to apply to the LASURI program for next year (F24-Sp25).

Minimum time commitment in hours per week: 3

Qualifications of a Student:
Students should have an interest in learning or problem-solving and at least an intermediate ability in C++ (completion of CS 251 at UIC) or JAVA programming skills. Completion of PSCH 100 and PSCH 242 are required to earn credit as part of gaining research experience in Psychology (PSCH 396). This research experience could also serve as an Honors Activity (either in addition to PSCH 396 or in place of it). We welcome students who are interested in applying for LASURI awards and honors students who are interested in doing Capstone projects related to these topics. We generally require students to get at least one semester of experience in research in our lab before starting a capstone or LASURI project.

Brief Summary of what is expected from the student:
Research assistants (RAs) are assigned a project leader and agree to a regular schedule for helping in the lab each week throughout the semester. RAs will help with programming, data collection, data processing, and data organization. RAs will have the opportunity to read original journal articles related to the research, discuss the designs of studies and how they are used to test research questions, and see results of the studies.

Contact researcher via URE Email Webform

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