Robert Johnston

Email Address:
College: Liberal Arts and Sciences Department: History
Title: Associate Professor
Office: 930 UH M/C 198 Phone: 4139164
Participating in the Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Awards program: Yes

Research Interest:
Contemporary controversies over vaccination. I am writing a book, to be published by Oxford University Press, about activists who have opposed compulsory vaccination over the course of American history, focusing on current struggles involving autism, smallpox and bioterrorism, anthrax in the military, influenza, and HPV. I am interested in working with students who could help explore a wide variety of issues relating to vaccination, including epidemiology, public policy, political struggles, and the moral and scientific conceptions of parents. Research activities could include reviewing the medical literature, examining historical archives, and conducting oral histories of activists.

Minimum time commitment in hours per week: No minimum

Qualifications of a Student:
None, beyond a regular facility with the internet. If you have interviewing skills, though, that would be terrific.

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