Heather J. Risser

Email Address: hjrisser@uic.edu
College: Liberal Arts and Sciences Department: Criminology, Law, and Justice
Secondary Department: Psychology
Title: Visiting Assistant Research Professor
Office: BSB 4075; CRWG 506s Phone: 312-413-1636
Participating in the Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Awards program: Yes

Research Interest:
Causes, consequences, treatment and prevention of health and mental health problems. Evaluation of the effectiveness of services to prevent and treat health and mental health issues.

Minimum time commitment in hours per week: 6

Qualifications of a Student:
Consistent and timely attendance, interest in topic area, positive attitude, willingness to learn, comfortable working in a team atmosphere.

Brief Summary of what is expected from the student:
Depending on student qualifications and interest, students can be involved in all stages of the research process, including conducting literature searches, designing measures, collecting data, coding data, entering data, coordinating with community partners, data analysis, and writing reports. The student is expected to be on time and follow a consistent work schedule. The student is expected to have a positive attitude toward learning new tasks, responding to feedback, and working with our dedicated team of researchers.

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