Elena Zheleva

Email Address: ezheleva@uic.edu
College: Engineering Department: Computer Science
Title: Associate Professor
Office: SEO 1140
Webpage: https://www.cs.uic.edu/~elena/
Participating in the Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Awards program: Yes

Research Interest:
My research spans different aspects of data science, including machine learning, causal inference, graph mining, network science, and privacy. My research goal is to unify these aspects in a single framework that allows us to reason better with data and solve important societal problems. I am especially interested in algorithms for heterogeneous graphs and networks, with focus on the following goals: 1) Identify and resolve barriers to causal inference from graph data for real-world applications 2) Improve machine learning models by addressing inherent biases in (found) data 3) Empower people in their privacy choices through personalized privacy assistants I am motivated by compelling applications, and some of the areas that I study are personalization, social media and networks, psychology, journalism, and e-commerce.

Minimum time commitment in hours per week: 10

Qualifications of a Student:

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