Elizabeth Dolly Weber

Email Address: edweber@uic.edu
College: Liberal Arts and Sciences Department: Hispanic and Italian Studies
Title: Clinical Assistant Professor of French
Office: 1627 UH M/C 315 Phone: 996-3224
Participating in the Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Awards program: Yes

Research Interest:
1) Google mapping for use in French classes 2) Catholic studies/medieval studies 3) Exploring blended learning for French classes; foreign language pedagogy

Minimum time commitment in hours per week:

Qualifications of a Student:
French projects: --Familiarity with internet research (e.g. using google and other search engines) --Interest in/willingness to learn how to work with simple tech such as google mapping, how to create wikis and blogs. --Knowledge of French: must have completed French 231 and 232 at UIC (or equivalent)with a B or above. Catholic/Medieval Studies: --Some background in one or several of these domains: history, religious studies, medieval studies, languages

Brief Summary of what is expected from the student:
Ability and interest in conducting independent research under supervision. French projects: I am planning a class project including google mapping of Paris. The class is about Paris as represented in French literature and film from the Middle Ages to the present, and students will map out the places mentioned in these media. For example, we might start with Francois Villon's 15th-century poems about his life as a student in Paris, and students would locate the Sorbonne on a current google map. An undergrad RA would help with initial research for the various texts we'll work on in the class. This would involve reading some of the texts, learning how to use google mapping, helping conceptualize the creation of a class wiki, and providing some initial mapping for the texts. A student collaborating with me on this project would be honing French skills, analytic skills, and tech skills (no previous knowledge of google mapping is necessary). For Catholic/Medieval studies: Bibliographic research; reading and summarizing articles.

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