Jessie Chin

Email Address:
College: Applied Health Sciences Department: Biomed and Health Info Sciences
Secondary Department: Honors College
Title: Research Assistant Professor
Office: 1919 W Taylor St
Participating in the Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Awards program: Yes

Research Interest:
[I. Research Areas]: Cognitive Science, Applied Cognitive Science, Human-Computer Interaction, Aging, Gerontology, Health Informatics. [II. Current Research Projects] 1. Investigating the dissemination and trajectories of health misinformation in social media. 2. Investigating information search and comprehension during medical decision making. 3. Investigating the use of smart conversational AI agents for health management and self-care (especially among older adults) 4. Investigating the use of animal foraging models to study information search and learning across the lifespan. 5. Investigating the ways to promote health literacy among older adults and underserved community. [III. Approach] Quantitative Methods: Combination of behavioral experiments, computational methods and statistical modeling.

Minimum time commitment in hours per week: 6

Qualifications of a Student:
1. Willing to learn new things. 2. Preferred major: Psychology, Computer Science and anyone who is interested in conducting multidisciplinary research. 3. No prior experience is needed.

Brief Summary of what is expected from the student:
1. Students will have the opportunity to conduct multidisciplinary research studies and gain research trainings in cognitive science, human-computer interaction and information science. 2. Students are expected to learn new skills and techniques as guided by the mentor. 3. Students will have opportunity to learn different ways to conduct data analysis (such as statistics, machine learning, data mining). 4. Students are expected to connect regularly for discussing the progress. 5. Students are encouraged and will gain full support to present their own research works, participate in international conferences and apply for awards and fellowships to receive different experience.

NOTE: This researcher is currently not accepting applications for the Undergraduate Research Experience program.

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